Saturday, January 3, 2009

infinite :(

Hello readers! If we actually have any readers.............Unfortunately, I got banned from the computer. :( So I won't be posting for a while. Hopefully Makta will keep you up to date.

In other news, there is something very sad happening, nobody's commenting! Even if you aren't a member of blogger, you can still tell me and makta what a wonderful (or terrible) job we're doing. If you aren't a member, and you want to comment, go to the comment section. Then simply click the 'Anonymous' clickable button thing. Or whatever it's called.
Anyway, I'll type next around the 3rd of February. That how long the wicked witch of the west (or my mum) grounded me for. I don't have a fancy catchphrase like 'remember, I told You!' (see Perez Hilton's blog) So, I'll just make something up!


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